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Job offer

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15 Mar 2024

Job Information

Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Research Field
Environmental science » Natural resources management
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

One research fellowship, in the framework of the LIFE22-NAT-ES-Coop Cortaderia: “Stop Cortaderia +. Development and implementation of a transnational alliance against Cortaderia”, project Nr. 101113757, financed by the European Commission (Programme: LIFE2027, in the following conditions: Fellowship will aim the implementation and development of the following activities:

WP2: Improving public and private governance.

T.2.1 Technical recommendations for modifying public policies that include the management of Cortaderia selloana

T.2.2 Technical recommendations for modifying certifications, environmental quality standards and good practices that include the management of Cortaderia selloana

WP3: Cortaderia control and elimination

T.3.5 Promotion of the Early Detection and Rapid Response Network

WP4: Sustainability, replication, and exploitation of project results

T.4.1 Communicating science and disseminating results

T.4.2 Coordination and dynamization of the Transnational Strategy for the management of Cortaderia selloana

T.4.3 Citizen participation and knowledge transfer (including training)

WP5: Monitoring and evaluation

T.5.1 Monitoring conservation actions

Generic scientific area: Environmental Sciences

Specific scientific area: Natural Resources Management – Invasive Species


Research Field
Environmental science » Other
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent


- Higher education in the areas of Biology, Ecology, Environment, Natural Resources and/or Forestry, Nature Conservation, Science Communication or related areas;

- Students enrolled in a PhD program (proof of enrolment must be provided by the time the grant is contracted).

- Preferably with experience in:

a) Science communication and/or training activities;

b) Working with invasive species (at a technical, scientific and/or science communication level);

c) Analyzing data and writing scientific and/or publicity articles in English.

Specific Requirements


- Higher education in the areas of Biology, Ecology, Environment, Natural Resources and/or Forestry, Nature Conservation, Science Communication or related areas;

- Students enrolled in a PhD program (proof of enrolment must be provided by the time the grant is contracted).

- Preferably with experience in:

a) Science communication and/or training activities;

b) Working with invasive species (at a technical, scientific and/or science communication level);

c) Analyzing data and writing scientific and/or publicity articles in English.

Additional Information


The duration of the fellowship is 12 months, possibly renewable, in an exclusive dedication regime.

The amount of the fellowship is € 1.259,64, plus social security (Seguro Social Voluntário, first level contributions) and personal accidents insurance.

Eligibility criteria


- Higher education in the areas of Biology, Ecology, Environment, Natural Resources and/or Forestry, Nature Conservation, Science Communication or related areas;

- Students enrolled in a PhD program (proof of enrolment must be provided by the time the grant is contracted).

- Preferably with experience in:

a) Science communication and/or training activities;

b) Working with invasive species (at a technical, scientific and/or science communication level);

c) Analyzing data and writing scientific and/or publicity articles in English.

Selection process

Formalization of application:

Applications must be formalized by sending the following documents:

- - Duly completed application form, available on the website dedicated to this competition procedure - ;

- Candidate's letter of motivation

- Curriculum vitae

- Proof of PhD enrolment (proof of enrolment must be provided by the time the grant is contracted);

- Candidates holding foreign qualifications must prove their academic degree and foreign diploma in

accordance with Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16;

- Identification, residence, identification document number and tax identification number- Letter of motivation

of the candidate

Selection methods:

The criteria for assessing applications are as follows: Curriculum evaluation (70%) and Interview (30%). Curricular evaluation will consider: absolute merit of the Curriculum vitae (30%); experience in the areas of science communication (20%) and biological invasions (20%). The interview will consider: Knowledge and profile

appropriate to the duties to be carried out (15%); Motivation and interest (15%).

Submission of applications:

Ten (10) working days, between 18/03/2024 a 01/04/2024.

Candidates must access and register on the website: to submit the application, selecting the procedure for which they intend to apply. Applications must be delivered exclusively in digital format, in portable document format (pdf), with the exception of documents whose delivery is scheduled in other digital formats.

Application instructions are completed by filling in the sections available at the aforementioned email address. When formalizing the application, if it contains a classified document that reveals commercial or industrial secrets, or secrets relating to literary, artistic or scientific property, the candidate must expressly indicate such reservation, under penalty of the work in question being freely accessed by any one of the other candidates, in consultation with the process. When submitting the application, the candidate must provide the data strictly necessary for the purpose, under the terms of this public notice, and must hide personal data that may exist in the documentation submitted, otherwise these data may be freely accessed by any of the other candidates, in the process query.

Additional comments

Publication/notification of results:

The evaluation results will be announced within 90 working days after the end of the applications submission deadline, by notifying the applicants via email. After the announcement of the results, candidates are considered automatically notified to, if they wish to do so, comment on the results on a preliminary hearing period within 10 days after that date. After this, the selected candidates will have to declare in writing their acceptance. Unless a justification worthy of consideration is presented, if the declaration is not submitted within the referred period, it is considered that the candidate waivers the fellowship. In case of resignation or withdrawal of the selected

candidate, the next candidate with the highest evaluation score will be notified immediately.

For further information please contact:

Hélia Marchante, e-mail:

Website for additional job details

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available
Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Postal Code
Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra


Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra
Postal Code

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