Test yours or your organisation Researcher Career Development Scheme
Soft Skills Training Resources for Researchers
Exploring Careers for Researchers: The "No limits" Toolkit
- identify what's important for you in your career
- plan to build on your skills and knowledge
- consider a wide range of career options.
- make a plan to reach your professional development goals.
Responsible Research and Innovation
What is Responsible Reserach and Innovation?
- RRI is Involving society in science and innovation ‘very upstream' in the processes of R&I to align its outcomes with the values of society.
- A wide umbrella connecting different aspects of the relationship between R&I and society: public engagement, open access, gender equality, science education, ethics, and governance.
- A cross-cutting issue in Horizon 2020, the EU Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020.
The RRI Toolkit can help you to:
- Design and develop your project
- Find resources through a search engine
- Find partners through the stakeholders-dedicated pages (among research community, policy makers, business and industry, educators, and civil society organizations)
- Implement RRI in a practical way while integrating key policy agendas in your project (ethics, gender equality, governance, open access, public engagement or science education) using the How-tos tool
- Reflect on your professional practice and find resources that fit your needs through the Self-Reflection Tool
Ressources in Portuguese language
A Investigação e Inovação Responsáveis em Sala de Aula: Módulos de Ensino (IRRESISTIBLE project)
The EURAXESS Intercultural Assistant for Researchers aims at raising your awareness of the complexity of the intercultural encounters you are likely to experience as a researcher on the move.
EURAXESS Industry Career Development Module
- provide information on other what it is like to work outside of academia
- provide up to date labourmarket information on what careers are available in other sectors
- offer a bank of inspiring career stories from researchers across EUROPE no longer working in academia
- provide practical information about career planning
- offer advice and guidance for getting a non-academia job
IPR Helpdesk trainings
Go into Industry:
- The Enterprise Europe Network
Find your industrial partner, assess your technology, identify its potential and needs and find funding opportunities. See:
- the list of the EEN free services.
- the EEN Database for Technological Offers and Search
- the EEN Events
Some EURAXESS studies on Career Development
- Research careers in Europe (2016)