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Living in Europe, Working in EuropeEntry conditions/visasPortugal

Entry conditions


Moving Abroad? (Practical Guidelines)


Entry Conditions

Entry conditions in Portugal depend on the agreement signed between Portugal and the country of origin of the applicant.

The entry conditions are extended to family members:    

1. Spouse;

2. Relatives in the descending line under 21 years old;

3. Relatives in the descending line over 21 years, that prove to be dependent from the rights holder;

4. Relatives in the ascending line if dependent of the rights holder.

Know more about the I want to join my family

Know more about entry conditions in Portugal

Know more about how to apply for Residency



Visa Requirements

The need to apply for a visa to enter/reside in Portugal depends on the nationality of each researcher/citizen, as follows:

European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA), Andorra and Switzerland Nationals:
EU/EEA citizens, and citizens from Andorra and Switzerland are requested to show a valid Identity Card or Passport to enter Portugal, without the need to apply for a Visa.

Who needs a Visa?

Nationals of Third Countries
The requests for information and/or visa application should be made to the Portuguese Embassies or Consulates of the respective country/area of residence:
Portuguese Embassies and Consulates around the world:

Information for granting of visas to enter Portugal

Types of Visas for research purposes (e-links):

Teaching purposes, highly qualified or cultural activity, or highly qualified subordinate activity

Research, study, higher education students exchange, internships and volunteer work:

Short stay visa:

For accompanying family member applying for a residence visa:

Family reunification:


The EU Blue Card



EU and EEA Citizens: Citizens from a Schengen country, from other countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Lichenstein) and Switzerland or countries with which Portugal, or the European Community, have free travel agreements are excluded from visa procedures, if the period of the visit is shorter than three months. However, if an EU or EEA citizen is planning to stay in Portugal for more than three months, then a Registration Certificate should be requested at the Local Council of residence. 

The Certificate of Permanent Residence is the document that formalizes the right of permanent residence in Portugal and may only be applied for by EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens and their family members after five years of uninterrupted legal residency in this country. It must be requested before the expiry date of the Certificate of Residence.  

- Permanent Residence Certificate Request Form for a EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens and their family members (if EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens).

          - this Certificate must be dealt with the SEF Services or your area of residence.

         - SEF contacts: (+351) 217 115 000 or (+351) 965 903 700;

         - Appointments with the SEF Services can be requested on-line 

The renewal of the Certificate of Permanent Residence is dealt with the SEF Services.


Instructions on how to get the Permanent Residence Card for accompaigning family members (if Third Country citizens), for Residence Card holders only:  

        - Permanent Residence Card for accompaigning family members (if Third Country citizens) Request Form   

        - this Certificate must be dealt with the SEF Services or your area of residence.

        - SEF contacts: (+351) 217 115 000 or (+351) 965 903 700;






A uniform Schengen visa allows third-country nationals subject to visa requirement to enter or transit through the territory of every country composing the Schengen area. Such visas are referred to as uniform in view of the fact that the respective regulation is common to all Convention Implementing the Shengen Agreement (CISA) Member States. They are aimed at intended short-term stays in the territory of the Member States with a duration of no more than three months and are usually conferred for purposes of tourism.

The legislation regulating the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals (PT version only) considers special conditions for third-country nationals coming to Portugal to perform research and highly qualified activities (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes).

How to proceed?

  1. Find the consular office in your area of residence and book an appointment

  2. Contact your Research Institution and/or your EURAXESS Mobility Center (they will send a working collaboration declaration to the consular office in your area of residence)

  3. Upload the Schengen Visa request form

Visa fees.



A long stay visa is regulated in the framework of the existing national legislation and may be either for temporary stays or for residence, according to the length of the stay. Such visas allow their holder to remain in Portugal for the intended purpose: e. g. study, internship, work or medical treatment.

The legislation  regulating the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals (PT version only) considers special conditions for third-country nationals coming to Portugal to perform research and highly qualified activities (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes).

How to proceed?

  1. Find the consular office in your area of residence, or a SEF Office (if you are in Portugal) and book an appointment

  2. Contact your Research Institution and/or your EURAXESS Mobility Center (they will send a working collaboration declaration to the consular office in your area of residence.

Visa fees.



A residence visa is usually valid for a 4 months period, after which its holder must obtained a residence permit.

- When requesting a residence permit to perform research and highly qualified activities, refer to Article 61º (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes).

- When requesting a residence permit to study in Portugal, refer to Article 91º for higher education students, Article 92º for under graduate students or Article 93º for unremunerated trainees (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes).

- If you fullfield all requirements, you can also apply for the EU Blue Card

The legislation regulating the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals (PT version only) considers special conditions for third-country nationals coming to Portugal to perform research and highly qualified activities.

- When requesting a short-term visa to perform research and highly qualified activities, refer to Article 57º (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes)

- When requesting a resident visa to perform research and highly qualified activities, refer to Article 61º (Law 23/2007 and consequent changes)



What do I need before leaving to Portugal?