Moving Abroad? (Practical Guidelines)
Entry Conditions
Entry conditions in Portugal depend on the agreement signed between Portugal and the country of origin of the applicant.
The entry conditions are extended to family members:
1. Spouse;
2. Relatives in the descending line under 21 years old;
3. Relatives in the descending line over 21 years, that prove to be dependent from the rights holder;
4. Relatives in the ascending line if dependent of the rights holder.
Know more about the I want to join my family
Know more about entry conditions in Portugal
Know more about how to apply for Residency
Visa Requirements
The need to apply for a visa to enter/reside in Portugal depends on the nationality of each researcher/citizen, as follows:
European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA), Andorra and Switzerland Nationals:
EU/EEA citizens, and citizens from Andorra and Switzerland are requested to show a valid Identity Card or Passport to enter Portugal, without the need to apply for a Visa.
Who needs a Visa?
Nationals of Third Countries:
The requests for information and/or visa application should be made to the Portuguese Embassies or Consulates of the respective country/area of residence:
Portuguese Embassies and Consulates around the world:
Information for granting of visas to enter Portugal
Types of Visas for research purposes (e-links):
Teaching purposes, highly qualified or cultural activity, or highly qualified subordinate activity
Research, study, higher education students exchange, internships and volunteer work:
Short stay visa:
For accompanying family member applying for a residence visa:
Family reunification:
The EU Blue Card
What do I need before leaving to Portugal?
- For Queries regarding entry conditions, contact the Portuguese Ministry for Foreign Affairs or the ImmigrationBoarders Service.