Welcome to EURAXESS in Portugal!
The portal EURAXESS Portugal provides information and support to researchers moving to and from Portugal. Together with other national EURAXESS portals, it complements the European portal operated by the European Commission, by providing national and local information. The Portuguese service centres assist you and your family on matters relating to your stay here in Portugal.
Why Portugal? 10 reasons to study and reasearch with us.
What is there for you? Select your profile:
Give your career a boost You can find thousands of open positions, funding opportunities and get free assistance when moving countries for work. Join the many researchers who have already taken advantage of EURAXESS and boost your career!
Maximise your potential Have you got a great idea? Do you need help developing it? You can find partners in business and academia to help you get started, and find out about patents, funding and more.
Find the best research talent Are you looking for someone to join your research team? You can post your vacancies, look through CVs, and create partnerships on EURAXESS.
Add talent to your team Find and recruit the best entrepreneurs and researchers from all disciplines across the world.
Moving to Portugal? Get started!

Get in Contact with your EURAXESS Mobility Service Center (Area Support), or Local Contact Point (Institutional Support)

Check out details on your entry conditions, depending on your nationality and duration of stay.
Find the Portuguese Embassy/Consulate in your residence area.

Find the most suitable accommodation before you move to Portugal.

Get to know what you need to get your diploma recognized by Portuguese Institutions.